Senate debates

Tuesday, 20 June 2023


Migration Amendment (Giving Documents and Other Measures) Bill 2023; In Committee

7:26 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Well, I'll just take this opportunity to reiterate the Greens' view that there's significant potential for unintended consequences that would have massive ramifications on people's lives, including, ultimately, being forcibly deported back into danger and also in terms of permanent family separation and indefinite detention. I do note the proposition that Australia engages in indefinite immigration detention was roundly and explicitly rejected by the Department of Home Affairs. I want to place on the record the absurdity of the department's position in relation to that when I presented it to them in Senate estimates recently. There can be no doubt at all that we detain people indefinitely in immigration detention in Australia. That proposition is actually supported by no less than the United Nations. But the department, somehow, has managed to convince itself—Lord knows how, and with what mental gymnastics—that we don't actually detain people indefinitely. Of course we detain people in immigration detention indefinitely in Australia. It beggars belief that the department could convince itself otherwise.

You may or may not have this information, Minister; if you don't have it, I'd be happy for you to take it on notice and see whether in fact it is something that could be provided. I accept that government departments have varying datasets and varying data storage and searching capabilities, so you may not be able to answer this, but you could commit to at least responding in some form to this question. How many documents or notifications have the department sent out that have been found to be noncompliant with current requirements under the Migration Act or the regulations? I'd be happy if you'd just address that in the time frame of the existence of the new government.


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