Senate debates

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Questions without Notice

Members Of Parliament: Staff

2:04 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

NG (—) (): Again, I do not accept the assertions that the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate makes in that question. Senator Gallagher made a statement to the Senate this week and has been asked multiple questions. She has made clear what her knowledge was and has responded to, I think, basically the same question that Senator Birmingham has put to me today. She has responded to that directly. I would make a point here about respect, if I may. We seem to have forgotten, in this debate and in this chamber, about what actually occurred here. Those opposite seem unable to accept their own responsibilities and unable to accept that one of their own staff felt disrespected in her workplace. They seem to be unable to accept that she might have exercised her own agency and told her own story in her own voice. Now they compound that disrespect with the use of personal text messages and other confidential information being leaked to the media. I think the message that many Australians looking at this will take is that those opposite are willing—instead of accounting for their own actions—to punish those who speak out.


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