Senate debates

Thursday, 15 June 2023


Personal Explanation

2:00 pm

Photo of David VanDavid Van (Victoria, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I have acknowledged publicly that I moved offices after an allegation from Senator Thorpe that I made her feel uncomfortable. That is what was put to me—an allegation that I denied then and deny today. I agreed to move offices to ensure the avoidance of any misconception. No incident was ever alleged by her. I agreed to protect myself against her irrational concerns and ensure the effective and smooth running of the parliament. I do not wish this matter to stain the Liberal Party that I fought so hard for. So I accept that I will no longer be sitting in the party room.

There should be and must be an investigation into these outrageous claims so they can be proved to be false. I will fully cooperate with investigators and answer any questions that they may have of me—and Senator Thorpe should do the same. I will answer any questions put to me by my own party as well.

Finally, the allegation of intimidation by my lawyer is unfounded, and I will table the letter that was a sent at 5:01 pm yesterday. In that letter Ms Giles demands that Senator Thorpe retract her allegation.


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