Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 June 2023



4:49 pm

Photo of Anne RustonAnne Ruston (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care) Share this | Hansard source

What have we got here? We've got a government so out of control of its legislative agenda that it's seeking on day 2 of a sitting fortnight to put bills up for the guillotine. It is unbelievable. I have offered to work with the government to facilitate their legislative agenda over the next fortnight. They haven't spoken to me. So, without notice, you stick this motion into this place, seeking for us to guillotine a number of really important bills, including the appropriation bills that support your budget, on Friday afternoon. We asked you if you would make sure that the bill in relation to the Voice was the thing that was prioritised, but, instead of doing that, you're seeking to guillotine other bills. The contempt you show for this chamber by the way you go about managing the business in this chamber is absolutely shameless. You said you'd be transparent, you said you'd be accountable, you said you'd let us have a debate and what do you do? On day 2 of a sitting fortnight you come in here and seek to guillotine the budget bill. (Time expired)


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