Senate debates

Thursday, 11 May 2023


Consideration by Estimates Committees

12:30 pm

Photo of Paul ScarrPaul Scarr (Queensland, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Even the ABC Fact Check found that statement was wrong. But the thing about this response is that none of it related to the actual question that was asked about where the efficiency dividend is applied across government. All it was was a political diatribe. It was absolutely sneering and contemptuous in relation to legitimate bona fide questions put on the Notice Paper by the opposition. It is absolutely appalling.

The issue is when we look at the fact that there are over 1,000 unanswered questions. Budget estimates is there, and it's an extraordinarily important process for the Australian parliament. It gives an opportunity for senators from all parties to ask questions in relation to any government action that involves the expenditure of taxpayer funds. It's an extraordinarily important process and a key way in which the opposition and the crossbench can keep the government accountable. Yet we are in a situation with over 1,000 unanswered questions. As Senator McKenzie said, when we get the answers, quite often they're terribly late or they're non-responsive or we've got to put in a FOI Act request. We get the question on notice, then we put in a Freedom of Information Act request, we get documents and we play 'spot the difference' between the answer that's given and what we find in the documents provided in response to the Freedom of Information Act application. The system shouldn't work that way. The system should be one of integrity, transparency and accountability. As Senator Cash so eloquently pointed out, Prime Minister Albanese said something in opposition and now they're doing exactly the opposite in government.


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