Senate debates
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Questions without Notice
Commonwealth Integrity Commission
2:21 pm
Michaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
Senator Waters, I will take the end of your question just as trite commentary. The Morrison government, as you know, have made very clear our intent to establish the Commonwealth Integrity Commission. In fact, we have already put in place the required funding for when the legislation for the Commonwealth Integrity Commission is passed.
Senator Waters, you may be aware that we have actually committed $106.7 million of new money to the Commonwealth Integrity Commission. This is in addition to the $40.7 million in funding that we have provided for the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, which will be transferred to the commission. That will take it to a total of $147.4 million.
This is incredibly important legislation and we need to ensure that the model is the right model. As such, we have conducted a nationwide consultation process on the exposure draft legislation to establish the commission. In fact, 333 detailed submissions were received and 46 consultations, meetings and roundtables occurred during the consultation period.
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