Senate debates
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Questions without Notice
Climate Change
2:19 pm
Anne Ruston (SA, Liberal Party, Minister for Families and Social Services) Share this | Hansard source
Firstly, just to correct the record, Minister Pitt is not in cabinet. Minister Pitt is in the outer ministry. However, as I have said, as Senator McKenzie has said and as so many people on this side of the chamber have said, we are having a respectful conversation about our plan to get to a clean energy future. We understand our obligations in relation to emissions reduction, but we understand that there are obligations to the Australian public. Our obligation is to make sure that we don't tax them out of existence, that we do not add a financial burden to household energy bills, that we don't add a burden to businesses that puts them at a competitive disadvantage to the rest of the world and that we ensure that we actually protect Australian jobs in all sectors. We are absolutely committed to delivering what we said we were going to deliver, but we will do it through technology. We are not going to tax the Australian population and economy out of existence.
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