Senate debates

Wednesday, 20 October 2021


Charitable Organisations

1:42 pm

Photo of Stirling GriffStirling Griff (SA, Centre Alliance) Share this | Hansard source

[by video link] If there's one area where this government is absolutely world-class it is in creating solutions to problems that don't exist. Take the new charities regulation ACNC 2021 Measures No. 2. These apparently solve a problem of uncertainty when charities commit minor legal infractions. It's not something the public have raised, it's not even something the charities are worried about and it's not even something the regulator has called for, but this government has bravely soldiered on and created a solution for a non-problem. Not surprisingly, they've managed to botch it.

The regulations mean charities will be deregistered if officers commit some re-offences or if a charity's resources are used in offences. A charity can also be deregistered if the regulator thinks they may break the laws. So charities will have to steer clear of any work where there is even a risk of minor legal infractions. That means no involvement with protests, no involvement with civil disobedience and no involvement with anyone released from prison.

In solving a problem that doesn't exist, the government has created huge new problems. There is a real frustration with this. There are genuine problems with the charities and non-profit sectors. There are dodgy non-profits out there—organisations set up purely to exploit the generosity of Australians—but that is where the government really should be focused. Instead, we get these other measures which will harm legitimate charities and make it harder for them to do their good work. A disallowance motion has already been circulated, and I hope the Senate joins me in voting down these harmful and unnecessary regulations.


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