Senate debates
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Youth Voice In Parliament Week
1:36 pm
Louise Pratt (WA, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) Share this | Hansard source
I'm proud to give this speech by Arya Moodley as part of the Youth Voice in Parliament Week campaign. It is a sentiment that I very much agree with. In the words that she gives the chamber today, she says: 'My name is Arya Moodley, I am 16 years old, and the electorate of Curtin is my home, the land of the Wadjak Noongar people. It is a place that I am proud to call home. My vision for Australia is that, in the next 20 years, we will have our first female Prime Minister of colour. As a young woman, a person of colour and of migrant parents, I believe that diverse leadership is paramount. Diversity is a powerful tool for unity, a symbol that we have evolved and are ready to invite the most marginalised to the table and celebrate their attributes. For this vision to be a reality, we need action; we need to empower that young girl out there now through education so that in 20 years, she will confidently stand on a national stage. We need to close the gap, ensuring that the government provides equitable resources so that no girl, no woman, no individual is disadvantaged by their geographical location or their ethnicity. We need, as a society, to change our perception of women in politics so that we foster an inclusive environment that lifts them rather than one that tears them down. It is through education, equity and positive role models that we will allow that young girl of colour in 20 years to represent the great country of Australia.'
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