Senate debates
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Questions without Notice
National Disability Insurance Scheme
2:58 pm
Linda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Government Services) Share this | Hansard source
Thank you very much, Senator Smith, for that question. The NDIS fourth-quarter report shows that planned utilisation in the Kimberley region is 20 per cent lower than the national average, which, sadly, is not uncommon in remote communities in particular across Australia. That is the case not just for disability services but for the provision of all care and support services in remote communities.
There are so many experiences from this trip that I will always remember. But, sadly, one is where my heart literally broke—meeting a quadriplegic participant in her 40s in a remote aged-care facility. She knows exactly how she wants to live her life: with her children. But, sadly, living so remotely, the life she wants to live is not yet possible. She has nowhere else to live to stay near community or get the supports that she needs so badly and that she's actually funded for in her NDIS packages. The upcoming changes to legislation will help us all address this. (Time expired)
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