Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Port Augusta Ash Dams

3:39 pm

Photo of Sarah Hanson-YoungSarah Hanson-Young (SA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I seek leave to amend notice of motion No. 201, standing in my name for today, relating to the Port Augusta ash dams.

Leave granted.

I move the motion as amended:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) the long-term remediation of the ash dams adjacent to the decommissioned Port Augusta Power Station has begun,

(ii) the people of Port Augusta have health concerns due to the ash cloud and should be supported,

(iii) Port Augusta residents have had lung cancer rates double the state average and have led a passionate campaign to build a solar thermal plant to secure their energy future, and

(iv) the slow response to the closure of the Port Augusta Power Station and the resultant pollution should serve as a lesson to other power station operators in the country; and

(b) calls on the Turnbull Government to:

(i) offer support to the people of Port Augusta in regards to their health concerns and take all possible steps to avoid a repeat of the situation in Port Augusta elsewhere,

(ii) expedite the process of permanently rehabilitating the ash dam site at Port Augusta by assisting the State Government and Flinders Power, and

(iii) secure Port Augusta's future as a renewable energy leader by providing the support needed to build a solar thermal power plant.


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