Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Questions without Notice


3:03 pm

Photo of George BrandisGeorge Brandis (Queensland, Liberal Party, Attorney-General) Share this | Hansard source

Because, Senator Gallagher, it means more jobs and higher wages. I am sure that workers at every level of the income scale, whether they be low-paid workers, middle-paid workers or better-paid workers, have something to gain from more jobs and higher wages. Who was it who said that business tax cuts will produce more jobs and higher wages? Well, it was the Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull—and he is right—but, before Mr Turnbull said it, it was Mr Bill Shorten when he was a minister in the government of Julia Gillard, who also said that business tax cuts would produce more jobs and higher wages. You see, Senator Gallagher, if you cut the cost of doing business, you incentivise businesses to expand to hire more workers and you give them the scope to pay higher wages. Mr Shorten knew that six years ago; it is passing strange that he has forgotten it today.


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