Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017



9:32 pm

Photo of Anne RustonAnne Ruston (SA, Liberal Party, Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources) Share this | Hansard source

Whilst tonight I intend to raise a separate issue, since I am in the chamber and have had the opportunity to listen to some comments from Senator Whish-Wilson, can I just say how tremendously disappointed I am about the contribution that he has just made. As Senator Whish-Wilson mentioned in his speech, he has been speaking to me about this particular issue, and for him to come in here and start espousing his conspiracy theories on this matter is very disappointing because I do not think it serves to benefit anybody.

There is absolutely no doubt, when we speak about our fisheries sector, that we are talking about a shared environment. We are talking about a shared resource. That means that there are a number of people who legitimately have a stake in this particular resource. It is not just about the environment, it is not just about recreational fishers, it is not just about commercial fishers and it is not just about the people who happen to live along the coastline having the ambience and amenity of their views considered. It is a resource that everybody has a right to have a part of. I think the whole 'all or nothing' approach that the Greens seem to be taking on this particular issue is a job destroyer. Let's not commit the kinds of issues and comments that we have heard from Senator Whish-Wilson. Let's actually be more serious and actually take some sensible and responsible action about dealing with what is a mounting issue in Tasmania.

If we work together and establish a mutually agreed management position then we can get the Tasmanian salmon industry to achieve what I think it can in terms of its future. It is a marvellous industry. Everybody in Australia is extraordinarily proud of the Tasmanian salmon industry. And whilst every industry that is a shared resource and every industry that has an impact on an environment or an area will constantly have challenges that it has to meet, the best way that we can do it is by working together and not standing up and making the kind of comments that were made tonight by Senator Whish-Wilson.

Can I also say that it is extraordinarily disappointing when it becomes personal, Senator Whish-Wilson. It is extraordinarily disappointing for you to come in here tonight and actually name people and make allegations about people, as you did about the chief executive of Tassal. I am not standing here and defending, or otherwise, anybody—


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