Senate debates
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Questions without Notice
Domestic and Family Violence
2:24 pm
Michaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Women) Share this | Hansard source
I thank Senator Reynolds for her question. On Friday we mark White Ribbon Day, which is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This year marks the 13th consecutive year that White Ribbon Day has been celebrated in Australia and of the White Ribbon campaign.
At the White Ribbon breakfast this morning the Prime Minister spoke of the role that we all have in changing the attitudes that create and sustain the endemic culture of violence that we do see in our community. As he said, not all disrespect results in violence against women, but all violence against women begins with disrespect. I, too, want to acknowledge that there are men in Australia and indeed globally who also are subjected to violence. This can also never be dismissed.
In relation to attitudes, senators will be aware of the $30 million Commonwealth funded, with the states, 'Let's stop it at the start' campaign. This campaign is all about Australians taking personal responsibility by showcasing the links between violence and disrespect. The campaign itself was based on extensive research which shows that when influential adults, whether they are parents, family members, teachers or coaches, say or do things that reinforce the stereotype of disrespect they are listened to and then those things are implemented in some cases by young adults.
The three-year campaign is now into its six month and the response has been overwhelming. Between April and June of this year it was YouTube Australia's most-watched advertisement and it has now had in excess of 36 million views. It received the YouTube board leadership award and has been shortlisted for a number of advertising honours. Almost half of influencers have seen the campaign, and the feedback is that those who have seen it have then taken action as a result of the campaign and changed their own personal attitudes.
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