Senate debates

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Questions without Notice


Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

Unlike those opposite, we are serious about fiscal responsibility. That is why the IMF have given us a tick. Instead, what we have from those opposite is an economic team that is simply a joke. Mr Abbott has described economics as boring. He said he does not care about the opinion of economists. The reality is actually worse. He does not care what he damages as long as he lands a punch. Mr Abbott is a risk to the Australian budget. Mr Abbott is a risk to the Australian economy. That is demonstrated by the fact that his shadow Treasurer has done nothing except dig a big black hole.

Now the opposition, because of all their decisions, just to get to the starting line have to find the equivalent of stopping Medicare payments for four years. (Time expired)


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