Senate debates

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Questions on Notice

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (Question No. 663)

Photo of Stephen ConroyStephen Conroy (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

The answer to the honourable senator's question is as follows:

The department has contracted the ASG Group to provide managed ICT services.

(a) The ASG Group is the service provider for corporate ICT network and infrastructure support, including the desktop and server environment.

(b) Through this contract, ASG Group are engaged to undertake ICT projects, this has included the rollout of a new desktop to staff and the replacement of the department's ICT network infrastructure.

(c) ASG was the successful tenderer for the provision of ICT managed services to the department in an open approach to the market.

(d) The value of ASG contract is $6.06 million over 3 years. There are a further 3 one year options in this contract should the department choose to take-up an option. Within the contract there is the ability for project work to be undertaken by the service provider on a fee for service basis.


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