Senate debates

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Questions on Notice

Human Services (Question No. 662)

Photo of Mark ArbibMark Arbib (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness) Share this | Hansard source

The Minister for Human Services has provided the following answer to the honourable senator's question:

(a) The department recognises employees with awards for years of service. There are currently three programs which related to the former agencies within the portfolio:

(i) Centrelink recognised 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of continuous APS service.

(ii) Medicare Australia recognised 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of continuous Health Insurance Commission/ Medicare Australia service.

(iii) Department of Human Services (DHS) including the Child Support Program (CSP) recognised 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 45 years of continuous APS service.

The department is integrating the current Award and Honours programs and will offer one departmental program by August 2011.

(b) (i) Centrelink:

10 years – Letter from Branch or Area Manager

20 years – CEO certificate

25 years – CEO certificate and gift to the value of $150.00

30 years – CEO certificate and gift to the value of $200.00

35 years – CEO certificate and gift to the value of $250.00

40 years – Letter from CEO

(ii) Medicare Australia:

5 years – Public announcement in agency newsletter

10 years – Certificate and pin

15 years – Certificate and pin

20 years – Certificate and pin

25 years – Certificate, pin and gift to the value of $200.00

30 years – Certificate and pin

35 years – Certificate and pin

40 years – Public announcement

(iii) DHS and CSP:

10 years – Letter from Deputy Secretary

20 years – Certificate from Deputy Secretary

25 years – Certificate, gift or donation to the value of $150.00

30 years – Certificate, gift or donation to the value of $200.00

35 years – Certificate, gift or donation to the value of $250.00

45 years – Letter from Deputy Secretary

(c) Non-ongoing employees and contractors are not included in these programs.

(d) (i) The cost to the Human Services portfolio for the year 2010-11 was around $165,000. In the 2010-11 year 4016 employees achieved a service milestone which equates to $41.00 each.

(ii) The unit cost of each award is in the table below:


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