Senate debates

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


COMMITTEES, Economics References Committee; Reporting Date

Photo of Scott LudlamScott Ludlam (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

asked the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, upon notice, on 22 March 2011:

With reference to the National Cycling Strategy 2011-2016 which notes that the $40 million Commonwealth stimulus funding for cycling infrastructure was significant, but states that more investment is required to 'facilitate real progress on the cycling agenda':

(1) Can an outline be provided detailing the funding and resources, including full-time equivalents, allocated within the department to active transport.

(2) Does the department consider funding for bicycle infrastructure to be a legitimate component of transport funding.

(3) Is there any indication that the department will move towards regular funding for bicycle infrastructure; if not, why not.

(4) How many kilometres of dedicated bicycle paths currently exist in Australia.

(5) What is the Federal Government doing to address safety for cyclists.


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