Senate debates

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


Consideration of Legislation

9:58 am

Photo of Mark ArbibMark Arbib (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness) Share this | Hansard source

We know it is a poor stunt. On day 1, when he got his big newspaper headline and it looked like it was going well, the Leader of the Opposition did his first radio interview and they asked him, 'Will you abide by the people if they vote against you in the plebiscite?' What was his answer? Absolutely not. He will not abide by it. This shows what a stunt and absolute fraud this is. He will not abide by any result of the plebiscite if it goes against him. It is there, in black and white: he said it on radio. Even worse, he was asked on one of the TV programs that night, 'If you are elected Prime Minister, will you hold other plebiscites on other important issues?' No, he will not: no other plebiscites on any other issues. This is the only plebiscite and he will not abide by it. That tells you a little bit about who Mr Abbott is, who he really is. 'Phony Tony' is a name that has been used for him plenty of times.


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