Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Governor-General’S Speech


Debate resumed from 15 November 2010, on motion by Senator Pratt:

That the following address–in–reply be agreed to:

To Her Excellency the Governor–General


We, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia in Parliament assembled, desire to express our loyalty to our Most Gracious Sovereign and to thank Your Excellency for the speech which you have been pleased to address to Parliament.

upon which Senator Abetz moved by way of amendment:

“, but the Senate:

regrets that the Gillard Government has already broken its promises to the Australian people by, among other things:
announcing a carbon tax, contrary to the Prime Minister’s express assurances both during the election campaign and immediately afterward that there would be no carbon tax,
instead of seeking a consensus on measures to deal with climate change, instituting a committee, the conclusions of which are predetermined,
failing to announce any measures to deal with the influx of asylum seekers arriving by sea,
failing to provide for a dedicated Minister for Education,
failing to provide for a dedicated Minister for Disability Services,
failing to clarify its position on the private health insurance rebate,
failing to announce economically responsible measures to deal with housing affordability, and
announcing to the Australian people that the Government would not be bound by the promises it made to voters during the election campaign; and
further notes that the Government has outlined no credible plan to:
bring the budget into surplus,
cut waste,
pay off the debt,
stop the boats, and
stop new taxes, such as the mining tax”.


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