Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Death of an Australian Soldier

2:08 pm

Photo of Steve FieldingSteve Fielding (Victoria, Family First Party) Share this | Hansard source

by leave—On behalf of Family First, it is with great sadness that I acknowledge the death of an Australian soldier who was killed yesterday serving his country in Afghanistan. I express my condolences to his family and friends. At the request of his family, the personal details of the soldier remain private, but we still know much about him. We know that he was someone prepared to put his life on the line for his fellow soldiers and for his country. We know that he was courageous and we know that he paid the highest price for his courage, loyalty and commitment to the ideals of freedom. We know that he had a family who loved him and were no doubt enormously proud of him. We know that all Australians now honour his memory. We know that he was the ninth Australian to die serving in Afghanistan.

It is very important that the Senate recognise the death of this soldier and the death of each and every Australian killed serving their country. This soldier’s life was not lost in vain. The thoughts and prayers of Family First are with his family at this very difficult time.


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