Senate debates

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008

In Committee

11:08 am

Photo of Joe LudwigJoe Ludwig (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Government Business in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

I think one of the difficulties that we are dealing with is that we are talking about two distinct sets of circumstances. Voluntarily leaving a job means making a conscious decision, all things being equal, with no other outside influence, to leave—to do something else, to put it broadly. I do not want to put all the circumstances that someone might envisage. That requires the waiting period because, although the circumstances will vary for each individual, they have made a conscious decision. The regime that we are talking about here, no show, no pay and those areas, is designed for people looking for employment. We are looking at two distinct sets of circumstances and I do not think it is fair to try and bring them together under one system. The best thing we can do for someone who is gainfully employed, is receiving a payment and has no reason to leave is to keep them in that employment. That is the best way to ensure their long-term benefit. We all know that a job provides self-esteem and positive outcomes. Circumstances where a person has made a conscious decision to leave employment and is voluntarily looking for employment should not be juxtaposed with circumstances where a person is in the job seeker market and is required to undertake a range of activities to find work. There is a system in place to deal with that. Those circumstances are distinct. I hope that provides some assistance.


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