Senate debates

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008

In Committee

11:55 am

Photo of Cory BernardiCory Bernardi (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector) Share this | Hansard source

The coalition also supports a review, for slightly different reasons than those of the government and perhaps some of the other parties, but I look for what we have in common. First amongst this is that we all agree that this is truly significant legislation. Some of us believe it goes too far and others believe it does not go far enough, but a review would provide evidence about the success and efficacy or otherwise of some of the measures that are going forward. To have a review after 12 months, particularly in the current economic climate, would be particularly timely given that there appears to be a deteriorating economic outlook, as forecast by the government through Treasury. To have an independent panel assess the effectiveness of the changes to this legislation would be a very positive step. It is something that the coalition supports. We hope that the review will support the coalition’s position on the amendments and the problems that we have identified with this legislation. Of course, if it shows that there are other issues that need to be addressed, we will consider those on their merits at the time.


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