Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Safe Work Australia Bill 2008; Safe Work Australia (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2008

In Committee

1:29 pm

Photo of Eric AbetzEric Abetz (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

I would like to make one helpful suggestion. Irrespective of who might be in government, it may well be of benefit if, in the future, legislation of this nature has a clause in it specifying—so that there can be no doubt about it—that it will be under the FMA regime. Whilst it is all very nice to hear a minister’s assurance from the table that the government’s intention is to somehow regulate in the future, it seems to me that that would necessitate taking a government on good faith. In something as relatively non-controversial as Safe Work Australia one would assume that the government would live up to its promise and I would not anticipate anything to the contrary, but in relation to other pieces of legislation in the future it might be more controversial. If something were included in the specific legislation linking it to the FMA Act that would be very helpful. In reading the legislation and the explanatory memorandum cover to cover, I could not get anything from that which would indicate that Safe Work Australia would be under the Financial Management Act, but if I missed the clause so be it. I can understand how the government operates under these circumstances but I think in the future, irrespective of who is in government, it may well be beneficial.


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