Senate debates

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Questions without Notice

Housing Affordability

2:22 pm

Photo of Nigel ScullionNigel Scullion (NT, Country Liberal Party, Minister for Community Services) Share this | Hansard source

No, it is indeed completely separate. We are talking about a $12 billion imposition of state land taxes and stamp duty in 2004-05. It is a Labor housing affordability tax. Yet Labor come into this place and start lecturing us about the impact of our policies. They come into this place and say, ‘What about interest rates?’ Every Australian should recognise that having to pay 6.5 per cent interest is different to having to pay 17 per cent interest. I know where every single Australian would like to be on this matter. What every single Australian needs to remember about housing affordability is that they simply cannot trust Labor.


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