Senate debates

Monday, 6 November 2006

Questions without Notice: Additional Answers

Carer Payments

3:02 pm

Photo of Rod KempRod Kemp (Victoria, Liberal Party, Minister for the Arts and Sport) Share this | Hansard source

On 19 October, Senator Claire Moore asked me a question in my capacity as Minister representing the Minister for Human Services about the support of parents who are caring for ill children and the criteria of provision for that support. I have written to Senator Moore about this matter and I now seek leave to incorporate my response.

Leave granted.

The response read as follows—

30 October 2006

Dear Senator Moore

I write concerning your question to me as the Minister representing the Minister for Human Services in the Senate on 19 October 2006. You asked me about support for parents who are caring for ill children, and the criteria for the provision of support.

Your question actually falls within the portfolio of Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FACSIA). Human Services is responsible for the delivery of services and the FACSIA portfolio is responsible for the policy. However, I am also the Minister representing the Minister for FACSIA in the Senate. I have made enquiries into this issue and provide the following response.

Eligibility for both Carer Payment (income support) and Carer Allowance is determined by Centrelink, in accordance with legislation, from information provided by the child’s treating doctor and the individual’s circumstances.

Where an individual is dissatisfied with a decision Centrelink has made about an entitlement, or if circumstances change or new information becomes available, a review of the decision may be requested.

With regard to the specific cases that you identified and the question of a review, I have contacted Minister Brough. The Minister has undertaken to review the provisions that affect these sorts of cases to ensure that the policies that Centrelink apply are as the Government intended and, if there is a class of people in similar situations to those you have identified, to see what additional relief can be considered.

This will not be a review of specific cases. Individuals may already request a review of Centrelink decisions. The review is looking at the specific provisions that apply in these sorts of cases to see what, if any, scope there is to find a better balance to ensure that people who are genuinely in need of help can be considered without broadening eligibility beyond the purpose of disability support.

Thank you for bringing this very important issue to my attention. I will table this response when the Senate next sits so that it is on the public record.

Yours sincerely

Rod Kemp

Minister for the Arts and Sport


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