Senate debates

Thursday, 11 May 2006

Questions without Notice

Budget 2006-07

2:51 pm

Photo of Rod KempRod Kemp (Victoria, Liberal Party, Minister for the Arts and Sport) Share this | Hansard source

It is quite clear that the Labor Party does not take art or sport seriously. Senator Barnett will be very interested to know that we are providing a total of $67 million in the next financial year for initiatives that offer improved participation in quality sports activities by all Australians. As part of this commitment, the Australian government will invest some $34.2 million for the development and implementation of the Active After-school Communities program. This was announced some time ago by the Prime Minister and has received very strong support from senators on all sides of the chamber.

In relation to the arts, the coalition government once again has delivered more to the arts community than the Labor Party even dreamed to contemplate. This year’s budget provided an unprecedented commitment to the arts community. An additional $100 million approximately has been committed to the arts in this budget, which has been widely supported by the sector. Included in this sum is $31.5 million to enhance the role of Old Parliament House through the creation of a gallery of Australian democracy. The National Library of Australia has benefited and there are a number of other benefits going to orchestras. I do not know whether— (Time expired)


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