Senate debates

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (3 speeches)
      I move: That government business notice of motion no. 1 be called on immediately. I will make the following remarks before I move that the question be put. As Senator Gallagher has given notice...
    • Consideration of Legislation (5 speeches)
      At the request of Senator Gallagher, I move: That— (a) on Tuesday, 27 September 2022: (i) if consideration of the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Repeal of Cashless Debit Card...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Meeting (1 speech)
      I remind senators that the question may be put on any proposal at the request of any senator.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Senators (0 speeches)
    • Australian Broadcasting Commission (1 speech)
      The ABC strikes again. What we saw on Four Corners last night regarding Peter Dutton was nothing short of disgraceful, another taxpayer funded hit job for the Lefty luvvies. The board at the...
    • Superannuation (1 speech)
      I was disappointed, but sadly not surprised, to learn that one in four—one in four!—Tasmanians were short-changed on their superannuation in the 2018-19 financial year. In that year...
    • Tiwi Islands: Barossa Gas Project (1 speech)
      Recently I travelled to the Tiwi Islands to support the traditional owners in their legal battle against NOPSEMA over their failure to identify eight different clan groups as relevant people to...
    • Way, Mr Nick (1 speech)
      Today I rise to pay my respects to and remember the life of a fellow Western Australian, Nick Way. On Friday, Nick lost his brave two-year fight against motor neurone disease. I'm proud to have...
    • Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee (1 speech)
      I just want to take a moment to recognise the fantastic announcement from our Minister for Housing this week that regional Australians can count on the Albanese Labor government's support to buy...
    • Volunteer Firefighters (1 speech)
      Volunteer firefighters embody so much of what is great about Australia. We have around 200,000 of them nationally who put themselves in harm's way every bushfire season. All firefighters are more...
    • Italy: General Election (1 speech)
      I rise to extend my congratulations to the proud nation of Italy for electing their first female Prime Minister. How wonderful to see a strong, modern woman in power and I'm sure that Giorgia...
    • South Australia: Assistant Minister for Autism (1 speech)
      My home state—the great and mighty state of South Australia—is well known for its firsts. Of course, we were the first state to grant women the right to vote, we were the first to...
    • Lake Pedder Flooding: 50th Anniversary (1 speech)
      This year, 2022, is the 50th year since the magnificent Lake Pedder was flooded. It's 50 years since legendary environmental activists Brenda Hean and Max Price took off from Cambridge Aerodrome,...
    • Western Australia: Special Olympics World Games (1 speech)
      I pay tribute today to a very special event and the exciting possibilities it holds for Perth and Western Australia. The Special Olympics was founded in 1968 and is a global movement that uses...
    • Mental Health (1 speech)
      It is estimated that one in five people aged 18 to 65 will experience a common mental health disorder in any one year. However, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      I must speak on Australia's ongoing housing and rental crisis. This is primarily a problem of supply. We just don't have enough houses and rentals to meet high demand. In fact we have the lowest...
    • Influence of International Digital Platforms (1 speech)
      I rise to place on the record my thanks to the Senate for instituting an inquiry into the big tech platforms. I think it is without question that these organisations have more power than any...
    • Iran: Women (1 speech)
      On 13 September, Mahsa Amini was visiting Iran's capital, Tehran, from her hometown in the western Kurdish region. Little did she realise that this would be her last visit. Mahsa was arrested by...
    • Medicare: Mental Health (1 speech)
      We tell people to get mental health support when they're not feeling great. We say: 'It's okay to not be okay. Go and talk to someone about what's on your mind.' So why are we making it so hard...
    • Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (2 speeches)
      This is a fantastic opportunity to say how happy I am about the Albanese Labor government introducing the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Cybersecurity (24 speeches)
      My question is for the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Wong. On 23 September, Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin said to the public of the Optus data breach: 'It is a sophisticated...
    • Economy (10 speeches)
      PRATT (—) (): My question is to the Minister for Finance and Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Can the minister detail the global economic headwinds the Australian...
    • Budget (30 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Finance, Senator Gallagher. Will the minister rule out tax increases or new taxes on Australians in the coming budget?
    • Indigenous Australians: Climate Change (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Climate Change, Minister Wong. Last week's announcement regarding the landmark case against the Australian government lodged to the UN...
    • Cybersecurity (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Home Affairs, Senator Watt. The cyberattack on Optus and the theft of personally identifiable customer data is of great concern. Can...
    • Cost Of Living (10 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Social Services, Senator Farrell. Today ACOSS launched a new report, How JobSeeker and other income support payments are falling...
    • Rural and Regional Health Services (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health, Senator Gallagher. Minister, on 28 July, the Minister for Health said 'it has never been harder or more expensive to see a...
    • Parliamentary Staff (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Finance, Minister Gallagher. The MOP(S) Act review is due to be completed by the end of this week. Will the government immediately release the review when it is...
    • Tourism Industry (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator Farrell. The tourism and travel industry has had a few challenging years. Given that today is World Tourism Day, can the minister...
    • Fuel (8 speeches)
      My question is to the minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. The ACCC states that because of the temporary cut in the fuel excise: … in the period between 29 March and 10...
    • United Nations (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Wong. Can the minister report to the Senate on her visit to the United Nations General Assembly and on her message to other countries...
  • Questions without Notice: Additional Answers (0 speeches)
    • Taxation (1 speech)
      I just have a matter relating to question time yesterday. In question time on 26 September, I took questions from Senator McKenzie in my capacity as the minister representing the Treasurer...
  • Motions (0 speeches)
    • Hanson, Senator Pauline; Censure (47 speeches)
      by leave—I move: That general business notice of motion No. 43 be called on immediately and have precedence over all other business until determined. Question agreed to. I, and also on...
  • Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers (0 speeches)
    • Budget (5 speeches)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher) to a question without notice asked by Senator Cash today relating to taxation. We saw today a...
    • Indigenous Australians: Climate Change (1 speech)
      I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Wong) to a question without notice I asked today. The blame game cannot continue. We heard today...
  • Notices (0 speeches)
    • Postponement (1 speech)
      I remind senators that the question may be put on any proposal at the request of any senator.
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Public Works Joint Committee; Reference (1 speech)
      On behalf of Senator Gallagher, I move: That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing...
  • Documents (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Fuel; Order for the Production of Documents (4 speeches)
      At the request of Senator Dean Smith, I move: That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Treasurer, by no later than midday on Friday, 7 October 2022: (a) any briefing...
  • Matters of Urgency (0 speeches)
    • Superannuation (18 speeches)
      I inform the Senate that at 8.30 am, 31 proposals were received in accordance with standing order 75. The question of which proposal would be submitted to the Senate was determined by lot. As a...
  • Petitions (0 speeches)
    • Aukus (1 speech)
      by leave—I present a non-conforming petition of over 26,000 signatures, relating to the withdrawal of Australia from the AUKUS agreement and the stopping of the development of nuclear...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)