House debates
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Statements by Members
1:43 pm
Anne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
Next week, 1 July 2024, is an important day for all Australians. It's the day that all taxpayers in Australia get a tax cut and it's also the day the minimum wage increases.
Firstly, the tax cuts. The importance and significance of these tax cuts can't be overstated. These tax cuts will benefit every working Australian. In Werriwa, those on $65,000 will get a $1,304 tax cut, while those on $83,000 will get $1,754. This is real money in the wallets of working Australians, and it will make a difference at the supermarket checkout as Australians meet cost-of-living challenges.
Secondly, 1 July is also the day that the minimum wage rises by 3.75 per cent. This increase will benefit approximately 2.6 million workers and will result in an increase of around $33 a week. This increase will be especially welcomed by those who have part-time or casual work. Let 1 July be recorded as a red-letter day, a day when all Australians benefit from this government's fairer tax plan and when those who are the lowest paid get the boost to their wallets that they deserve.