House debates

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

  • Taxation (38 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Will the Prime Minister rule out changing the current tax treatment of the family home?
  • Economy (4 speeches)
    My question is the Treasurer. What does today's decision on interest rates by the independent Reserve Bank mean for the economy?
  • Small Business (6 speeches)
    My question is to the Treasurer. Last year, the government voted against my amendments to the support for small business bill, extending the instant asset write-off and the Small Business Energy...
  • Taxation (14 speeches)
    My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Albanese Labor government delivering a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer to help middle Australia with the cost of living, and what approaches were...
  • Wages (12 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. After a decade of low wages growth, how is the Albanese Labor government helping Australians earn more and keep more of what...
  • Makarrata Commission (11 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Will the Prime Minister honour his promise to deliver treaty and truth-telling?
  • Health Care (2 speeches)
    My question is to Minister for Health. How will health workers and their patients benefit from the government's tax cuts? How do Labor's tax cuts complement other actions the government has taken...
  • Renewable Energy (11 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Minister, multinational developers are being allowed to ride roughshod over communities under the government's reckless race to 82...
  • Taxation: Women's Economic Security (4 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Women. How are the Albanese Labor government's tax cuts better for Australian women?
  • Taxation (9 speeches)
    ():  My question is to the Prime Minister. Today the government introduced the tax cuts bill. Many in my regional electorate of Indi will benefit from that. But there are 25,000 people...