House debates
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Statements by Members
My First Speech Competition
1:56 pm
Louise Miller-Frost (Boothby, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I'd like to congratulate the winners of the national My First Speech competition 2023, who are here in the gallery with us today. These students were selected from 240 entries across 97 electorates. The year 10 winner is Aled Stephens, with a speech about mental health services for young people. Aled is from the seat of Lindsay. The year 11 winner is Amy Forchert, from the Prime Minister's electorate of Grayndler, with a speech about inclusionary zoning for social housing. And the year 12 winner is Chelsea Adams, from St John's Grammar School in Boothby, with a speech about postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, a condition that affects her younger sister.
I had the pleasure of meeting with Chelsea last week and heard about the experiences of her sister and family. Chelsea's aim is to raise awareness of this very debilitating condition, which is often misdiagnosed as anxiety or chronic fatigue, and for it to be classified on the International Classification of Diseases.
Many thanks to the mums who've accompanied them here today: Aled's mum, Julie; Amy's mum, Sharon; and Chelsea's mum, Narelle. Good luck for your year 12 exams, Chelsea, and best wishes to you all for the future. May this be the first of many entries in Hansard.