House debates

Thursday, 10 August 2023

  • Animal Welfare (1 speech)
    It's no secret that the greyhound racing industry results in animal suffering and unbearable cruelty, which is I've long campaigned to ban greyhound racing within Australia—and I'm not...
  • Cost of Living (2 speeches)
    We all know that the rising cost of food, petrol, energy and rent is having a real impact on so many across our community. With this knowledge, we need to recognise that we as a government, as a...
  • Veterans (1 speech)
    As the Federation Chamber now prepares to adjourn for the final time for this sitting fortnight, I can't help but reflect on this place as an institution. Our parliament, if it were to be...
  • National Radioactive Waste Management Facility (1 speech)
    Around an hour ago, the Minister for Resources announced that the government was abandoning the plans to site the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility at Napandee in the Kimba district....
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    by leave—You may not be aware that the Liberals and Nationals have teamed up with One Nation and Senator Van to introduce a motion to disallow 60-day prescriptions in the Senate, moving to...