House debates

Monday, 22 November 2021

  • Lyons Electorate: Roads (2 speeches)
    [by video link] Mr Speaker, before you go, I would like to pass on my best regards to you in your position and wish you the best in your final week. Last week, I met with a group of local...
  • COVID-19: South Australia (1 speech)
    Thank you, Mr Speaker, for never using 94(a) against me! Can I give you my very best wishes and also thank you very much. As a new member, it's been a pleasure to be in this chamber and to learn...
  • Cybersecurity (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, like those who have spoken before me, I want to take this opportunity—fortuitously given to me by having the adjournment spot tonight—to thank you for your outstanding...
  • Herbert Electorate: Public Liability Insurance (1 speech)
    Thank you, Speaker. I too want to pay my respects and tributes to you. Thank you for your help, guidance and knowledge, from when I was a baby MP in this place, for some nice calm direction and...
  • Apprenticeships, Vocational Education and Training (1 speech)
    Mr Speaker, I believe I may be the last member of the opposition who has the privilege to speak in the House while you are our Speaker—unless there is a motorcade at Government House...
  • Australian Women's Soccer, Speaker of the House of Representatives (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, as many have observed, this is your last day, but I thought I might cover off my contribution first and save my final remarks for thanks to you and the friendship we've had over the...