House debates

Thursday, 13 February 2020

  • Moore Electorate: Budget (1 speech)
    May I take this opportunity to advocate, on behalf of the local community, for a number of funding priorities within my electorate of Moore—in particular, in the areas of Financial...
  • Japanangka, Mr Kumunjayi, Coniston Massacre (1 speech)
    Congratulations on your appointment, Deputy Speaker Llew O'Brien. Two weeks ago I attended the Hetti Perkins aged-care facility in Alice Springs to recognise the achievements and the 100th...
  • Leslie Harrison Dam (1 speech)
    With major rainfall events all over the east coast, I recognise that many homes and many people's lifestyles will be under threat, and we advise everyone, where possible, to follow all of the...
  • Medicare (3 speeches)
    From January this year, the Morrison government and his Department of Health implemented the Modified Monash Model, which decides how much of an incentive doctors in regional areas receive to...
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    Over the past week we've had many groups around the country calling for net zero emissions by 2050. So let's do the maths and see exactly what that might do for the environment. With Australia's...
  • Arts, North Richmond Bridge (1 speech)
    When the government put arts under the new Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, it sent a very clear message to Australia that the government does not...