House debates

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

  • Health Care (1 speech)
    I've made it pretty clear where I stand when it comes to healthcare services and funding. I've made it pretty clear that I want the very best for our community. I've made it pretty clear that I...
  • Goldstein Electorate: Queen's Birthday Honours (3 speeches)
    As always, it is a great pleasure to be able to get up in this debate and talk about the issues that affect the Goldstein community. But it's also an opportunity to pay honour to those who serve...
  • Pensions and Benefits (1 speech)
    Colleagues, tonight I rise in this grievance debate to highlight the failing of our social services agencies in meeting their explicit intent to deliver social security payments and services to...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    Tonight I'd like to speak on the ACCC's recent electricity pricing inquiry. Specifically, I'd like to offer my support for the ACCC's recommendation No. 24, which is that the Small-scale...
  • Health Care (1 speech)
    This is a government that is always there for the shiny, exciting headline-grabbing announcements when it comes to digital projects but that goes missing when it comes to the implementation....
  • New England Electorate (4 speeches)
    This is my first grievance debate. When I heard about a grievance debate, I thought: I don't need 10 minutes; I probably need half a day. Anyway, let's give it a run in the park! Mr Deputy...