House debates
Monday, 23 October 2017
Statements by Members
Upper Murray 2030 Vision Plan
1:58 pm
Cathy McGowan (Indi, Independent) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
We all know that regions are strengthened when government at all levels partners with industry and community to develop integrated plans with lasting impact. Today, I would like to congratulate Towong Shire and the Upper Murray 2030 board for doing exactly this. The Upper Murray 2030 community board comprises skilled, passionate local people committed to delivering the Upper Murray 2030 Vision Plan. This plan was initiated by Upper Murray Business Inc., in partnership with Upper Murray Health & Community Services, Towong Shire Council and, across the border, Snowy Valleys Council. It's a community led project aiming to deliver a detailed and economically viable plan for the upper Murray.
The plan is being delivered under the guidance of the board and involves community engagement to identify and prioritise details. It identifies game-changing projects with potential to build long-term sustainability, and the Great River Road project is one of these game changers. With funding from the federal, state and local government totalling almost $1 million, it will deliver a new touring route along the Murray River from Bellbridge to Corryong.
So I say, colleagues, come to the upper Murray. Come to Victoria via the Snowy Mountains. When we say 'best-practice approach to regional development', this is exactly what we're talking about: beautiful communities, partnerships at all levels and great outcomes.
Tony Smith (Speaker) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
Order! It being 2 pm, in accordance with standing order 43 the time for members' statements has concluded.