House debates

Monday, 16 October 2017

  • Telecommunications (1 speech)
    Since I was elected to parliament four years ago there has been rarely a week in my electorate office where we haven't received complaints about inadequate television reception. I have been...
  • Battle of Beersheba: 100th Anniversary (1 speech)
    As the sun rose on 31 October 1917, 40,000 Allied troops charged towards the small town of Beersheba to fight in what would be later known as one of Australia's greatest victories in the First...
  • Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (1 speech)
    In the worlds of Nelson Mandela: Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome...
  • Lenton, Mr Graham 'Butch' (1 speech)
    Tonight I rise to pay homage to a good friend of mine, Graham 'Butch' Lenton, the Mayor of Winton, who tragically lost his fight against cancer on 1 October this year. Winton is a small outback...
  • Defence Facilities: Chemical Contamination (1 speech)
    I commend the member for Maranoa for his brave speech this evening. It is really quite synchronistic that he spoke about cancer and that he spoke about unfinished business, because in the last 15...
  • Nauti-Craft Pty Ltd (1 speech)
    Nauti-Craft has just won a prestigious 2017 Maritime Australia industry innovation award. Nauti-Craft are a research and development company based in Dunsborough in my electorate. They designed...