House debates

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

  • Deputy Prime Minister (5 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Senator Canavan resigned from cabinet 43 days ago. Why is the Deputy Prime Minister still sitting on your front—
  • North Korea (3 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Will the Prime Minister update the House on recent discussions with world leaders on North Korea and the risks it is posing to the region?
  • Deputy Prime Minister (6 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Does the claim by the Leader of the House that the Constitution allows a minister to keep their job for three months after being disqualified by the High...
  • North Korea (2 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Will the minister advise the House how the government is responding to the escalating tension on the Korean peninsula and its potential effect...
  • New England Electorate: New England Highway (6 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Given the Bolivia Hill upgrade on the New England Highway was funded in the 2013 budget, why did it take until last week...