House debates

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

  • Trade Unions (4 speeches)
    Barely a day goes by in this parliament without the hopeless government and their hapless Prime Minister floundering about the place. We know that they are divided on so many issues. We see that...
  • Western Australia: Taxation (1 speech)
    Mr Deputy Speaker Hastie, it is good to see you in the chair. I am sure you share my grave concerns about a recent tax proposal in our home state of Western Australia from the WA Nationals. I...
  • Death Penalty (1 speech)
    I take the opportunity to again raise my concern about the recent and deteriorating regional situation in respect to the use of the death penalty. Notwithstanding progress in our relationship, as...
  • Economy, Human Rights (1 speech)
    Thank you, Deputy Speaker Hastie. You look very comfortable in that chair, and may you continue to reign long in it, as you see fit. Today, we grieve for future Australian taxpayers. Our nation's...
  • Turnbull Government (1 speech)
    I look forward to talking about the Liberal way and what it means for Canberra. Time and time again, we have seen how the Liberal Party wields power in Canberra. When it is not cutting funding...
  • Law Enforcement (1 speech)
    My grievance is the awful crime surge in Victoria, in particular the youth gangs which are, sadly, nearly runny riot. When I say 'running riot', they actually did that during this year's Moomba...