House debates

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

  • Middle East (1 speech)
    A recent UN report indicated a very dire future for Gaza. It noted the area could be uninhabitable in less than five years on current economic and population trends in the de-development of the...
  • Swan Electorate: Lathlain Precinct Redevelopment (1 speech)
    I want to record for the Hansard record this evening what transpired on a great day in my electorate of Swan: Saturday, 22 August. The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, attended a stakeholders...
  • Turnbull Government (1 speech)
    Today it became official: Tony Abbott, the member for Warringah, is no longer our Prime Minister. For many people right around the country this is very welcome news. It is welcome news because...
  • Competition Policy (1 speech)
    There is a debate currently going on this in this country about the best way to repair our broken competition laws and much of it has been around what has been promoted as an effects test. I...
  • National Broadband Network (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about communications issues faced by my communities in McEwen. Access to the NBN was meant to be a priority for regional and rural areas. This has not been the experience in...
  • Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption (1 speech)
    The suburb of Cornubia, once a part of Bowman, is one of two suburbs that have been redistributed out of Bowman but we still have a very strong community connection to this fine suburb. It found...