House debates

Thursday, 28 May 2015

  • Asylum Seekers (1 speech)
    Recent events in the Andaman Sea have again highlighted the difficulty and complexity of a government response to the large number of people seeking asylum around the world, both from both a...
  • Republic of Macedonia (1 speech)
    I would like to talk about a terrorist incident that took place on 9 May in the Macedonia town of Kumanovo. A 28-hour battle took place in which 44 Kosovar Albanian terrorists had crossed the...
  • Water (1 speech)
    If Northern Australia, the top third of Australia, were a separate country, it would be the wettest country on Earth. Australia is not a country bereft of water; it is just that all the water is...
  • Hughes Electorate: Moorebank Materials Recycling Facility (1 speech)
    I take this opportunity to rise to speak about a proposal to develop a concrete recycling plant in my electorate. Madam Deputy Speaker, you cannot think of a more inappropriate location than what...
  • Environment (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about my very strong support for the environment. Over the last 18 months, since I was elected, I have been a passionate defender of the environment. I represent...
  • Lyme Disease (1 speech, 1 comment)
    May is Lyme's month, and today I would like to raise in the House the issue of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by bacteria from ticks. This is a disease that is not...