House debates
Monday, 13 February 2012
Statements by Members
National Multicultural Festival
1:58 pm
Gai Brodtmann (Canberra, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I would like to congratulate the ACT Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Joy Birch, for the National Multicultural Festival held over the past weekend. The festival was the biggest and best ever. Over a quarter of a million people turned out for great food, dance and music and loads of community stalls. Friday was the opening concert. Saturday was the food and dance spectacular, a Pacific Islands showcase, an Indigenous showcase and an India-in-the-city program. Sunday was the Chinese New Year celebration and the Greek Glendi. The festival was a great showcase of Canberra's vibrant and strong multicultural community. Congratulations to all those involved, particularly the organisers. You did Canberra proud.
Peter Slipper (Speaker) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
Order! It being almost 2 pm, I call the Prime Minister.