House debates

Monday, 23 May 2011


Australian Republic

To the Honourable the Speaker and members of the House of Representatives

This petition of the undersigned draws to the attention of the House that parliamentary questions concerning an Australian republic are debated on party lines and subject to party policy; votes are made along party lines.

The final question of Australia becoming a republic can only be decided by the citizens of Australia and not by political parties. Political parties do not dictate religious beliefs. Therefore it should be accepted that being a republican or a constitutional monarchist is a matter of individual choice and should not be dictated by a political party.

This being the case it follows that debates questions bills and all matters concerning an Australian republic in this house should proceed in a bipartisan manner as though the people themselves have say, as they ultimately will.

I therefore ask the house 'that all future questions, debates, and bills to do with an Australian republic be made and done in a bipartisan manner, not along party lines, and further that future voting on a republic be done by conscience vote, as would be the case in any referendum.

Further, any bills for referendums and matters regarding a republic be presented to parliament, in an unbiased, transparent format that the people can understand, so they may ultimately cast an informed and intelligent vote.'

from 1 citizen