House debates

Wednesday, 16 August 2006

  • Parliamentary Language (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I again wish to ask you about your rulings on parliamentary language. Can you advise the House why it is unparliamentary to accuse a member of vilifying asylum seekers but it is not...
  • Distinguished Visitors (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, in the gallery today there were two very prominent citizens not of this country—one a longstanding but former member of the Canadian parliament, a Mr David Kilgour, a former...
  • Parliament House: Computer Support Services (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I am concerned about the resources currently allocated to the IT and computer support service 2020. Recently I made several calls to 2020 in an effort to resolve some IT problems in...
  • Distinguished Visitors (4 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I ask a further question of you in relation to your answer. First of all, can you inform the House, now or at a later stage, what those guidelines or rules might be that apply and how...
  • House of Representatives Rulings (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, you drew the attention of honourable members to page 501 of House of Representatives Practice and quoted a Senate ruling. I appreciate that you must take pearls of wisdom where you...