House debates

Tuesday, 8 August 2006

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 9.10 pm, I propose the question: That the House do now adjourn.
  • Mobile Phone Towers (1 speech)
    I rise this evening to speak again on the issue of mobile phone towers and how the current statutory regime and the government’s ineffective public information campaign are causing...
  • Water (3 speeches)
    Water is the word on everyone’s lips these days. Do you think we are making the best use of our existing water resources? No, we are not. How can we make sure we have enough water for the...
  • Australian Liberal Students Federation (1 speech)
    On 3 July this year the Prime Minister was interviewed on the Ray Hadley show on Sydney’s 2GB radio station. He was asked about Channel 10’s Big Brother and responded by saying the...
  • Wakefield Electorate: Two Wells Returned and Services League Branch; Australian Defence Force (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to talk about the topic of history. History has been very topical recently, with people talking about what should or should not be taught in our schools, but I guess the practical...