House debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

  • Ms Diane Hawke (7 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I was wondering whether you were aware that, during our winter recess, a worker of 31 years standing in this parliament will be retiring: Diane Hawke from the Parliamentary Library.
  • Hansard (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I have two questions to you. The first one flows from your responsibilities as Speaker under page 604 of House of Representatives Practice in terms of Hansard. I refer to the Prime...
  • Minister for Defence (4 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I have a further question to you. I refer to the limits which are referred to in House of Representatives Practice of seeking to correct remarks in this place. Yesterday, the Minister...
  • Hansard (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I also have a question to you about a similar matter. Could the Speaker please check the tape of the Prime Minister’s answer in question time today when he said that the...