House debates

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

  • Bay Group Companies (1 speech)
    I rise to report to the chamber on the collapse of the Bay Building group of companies in the Hunter region, a collapse which has left over 500 creditors owed around $35 million. Most of the...
  • Operation Sports Airlift (1 speech)
    I rise this morning to inform the House of the work of an extraordinary young man named Peter Cole. Peter recently led a successful aid mission to Fiji, named Operation Sports Airlift. Operation...
  • Taiwan (1 speech)
    I would once again like to bring to the attention of the House the ongoing issue of Taiwan’s application to participate in the World Health Assembly and the World Health Organisation. Last...
  • Budget 2006-07 (1 speech)
    I rise to address some of the issues raised for my electorate in the federal budget last night. In particular, some months ago I spoke to this chamber about road priorities in the electorate of...
  • Page Electorate: Workplace Relations; Gorton Electorate: Education (1 speech)
    I had the good fortune of being in your electorate last week, Mr Deputy Speaker Causley. Lismore is a wonderful place. People are very concerned about the industrial relations laws, of course,...
  • Education (1 speech)
    Several weeks ago, during the last recess, I was grateful to be invited to the Illaroo Road Public School to address years 5 and 6 classes on government and my role as a politician. It is an...
  • Commonwealth Emergency Relief Program (1 speech)
    I rise to speak on an important local issue that affects the most disempowered and vulnerable people in the Fairfield local government area. The Fairfield LGA missed out on a large part of its...
  • Budget 2006-07; Cronulla Sharks (1 speech)
    Last night, when the budget was brought down by the Treasurer, we had extremely good news for the taxpayers of New South Wales in terms of tax cuts, moves on superannuation and significant...
  • Mr Arthur Foster (1 speech)
    Recently I had the opportunity to attend the funeral of a very special resident of Ingleburn. The passing of any community member generally involves much sadness for family and friends as they...
  • Level Crossing Accidents (2 speeches)
    The fatal accident involving the collision between a high-speed train and a truck in Victoria last month prompts me to speak in the House today. Two people died when a truck collided with a train...