House debates

Wednesday, 15 February 2006

  • (1 speech)
    I move: That the House do now adjourn.
  • Child Care (1 speech)
    I was recently contacted by the Arndu St Paul’s Preschool in Oatley. This preschool is located in the electorate of Barton, but many of the children attending Arndu live in my electorate of...
  • Canberra Electorate: Pierces Creek Forestry Settlement (1 speech)
    The Pierces Creek forestry settlement was established in 1928 to provide job-tied housing for forestry workers. In the 1980s the houses at the settlement became the property of ACT Housing, but...
  • Leunig Cartoon (1 speech)
    Appearing in the Australian and the Melbourne Age today is a story about Melbourne cartoonist Michael Leunig. Virginia Trioli and John Fane—a couple of people at the ABC whose judgment I...