House debates

Thursday, 9 February 2006

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question: That the House do now adjourn.
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    We have all been moved by the images of the effects of the disastrous hurricane in the southern United States last year. Once again, the forecasts of climate scientists have been verified by...
  • Senator Kerry Nettle (1 speech)
    This morning in the other chamber I had something to say about the T-shirt worn by Australian Greens senator Kerry Nettle which said: ‘Mr Abbott get your rosaries off my ovaries’. I...
  • University of Wollongong: Professor Gerard Sutton (1 speech)
    I take the opportunity in the adjournment debate today to acknowledge a significant achievement for my region in the person of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, Professor...
  • Deakin Electorate: Australia Day Awards (1 speech)
    During the summer break from parliament many of us went back to our electorates and took the time to reconnect with our family, friends, the electorate and in most cases took what some of us...
  • Israel-Palestine Visit; Oil for Food Program (1 speech)
    Last year, in the company of some other Labor federal members of parliament, I was pleased to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority. There was lots to see there: lots that gave me great hope...
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Heywire (2 speeches)
    I rise this afternoon in the adjournment debate to highlight an important initiative of the ABC to give young people living in regional Australia a voice. This wonderful program is known as...