House debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Statements by Members

People with Variability

1:36 pm

Photo of Kylea TinkKylea Tink (North Sydney, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I recently learnt the phrase 'people with variability' from a North Sydney constituent and advocate, Mark Tonga. When I took a moment to digest this term, I realised the power it holds. By emphasising variation in ability rather than reduced capacity, I realised that this language holds the key to how we move forward as a diverse and inclusive society.

Mark shared with me the barriers for people with variability, including disability support pension settings that discourage people from venturing into small business and entrepreneurialism by restricting hours worked and their earning capacity. This is a huge loss for our community, where 3.7 per cent of the Australian population over the age of 16 are potentially locked out of this dynamic space. Meanwhile, Work First employment for people with variability usually means relying on government funding through either disability enterprises or supported unemployment services. Wage thresholds for people in supported employment are as low as $2.90 per hour, compared to a minimum wage of $23.23.

Disability does not mean inability, but our policy settings make it seem so. Mark has a vision for a future where government partners with enterprises led by people with variability and elevates them through a procurement directory. North Sydney wants to see a more inclusive, dynamic and diverse economy, and it is ideas like this one that I'm proud to share with this place.


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